Well...Spring is quickly coming to a close here in the High Desert of Arizona. We have had a rather cool Spring, with the night temps down in the 30's and 40's, daytime highs in the 70's and 80's. Wish it could stay this way up until the Monsoons...which is really just the rainy season here.
The birds are chirping all day long now...our tile roof is a virtual birdhouse to lots and lots of sparrows and finches. There are doves, bluebirds (a huge one was on our back porch yesterday, close enough for me to see his beautiful coloring...and a sign that Aunt Velda is watching over us from the eternal side of life), and even a parakeet has been hanging around. They love the grapevine, and are keeping an ever watchful eye for the grapes to appear. Ebony (our Chowolf) thinks it is her job to run down the stairs and under the gazebo as fast as she can to let the birds know that she is in charge and that they must leave when she is in residence. It is very funny.
The backyard is blooming beautifully with all the plants from last year, plus a few new ones. It is such a peaceful place to have one's coffee in the morning, or an iced tea in the afternoon. Our oasis in the desert.
Many of you have asked how we an stand the heat of Arizona, and I will once again explain that we live at about 5500 ft above sea level. All around us we see mountains. Mingus Mountain to the East, Granite Mountain to the West, the Bradshaws to the South, and way in the distance to the North we have the San Francisco Peaks (which are up Flagstaff way). We are 15 minutes away from being in the tall pine forests which surround Prescott. The temps are about 10 to 15 degrees cooler than Phoenix. It is very dry here, and we do have to water a lot to keep plants outside happy, but it is nothing like the horrendous heat of the Valley.
I am posting some photos of our yard, which has only now really greened up and by the end of summer into the fall, will transform itself once again into a serene and peaceful contemplative place. It is a place where one can see all the stars twinkling in the night sky, a place for ceremony, drumming and dancing. It is a place blessed with angels, spirit guides and visits from the ancestors.
May the summer days bring many blessings to all, and as we travel this spiritual journey together, may our connectedness bring health and wholeness to us all.
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