Sunday, January 6, 2013

To kill a Kidney Stone

Back in November I began to have quite a bit of blood in my urine. No infection was found I had to go see a urologist. They did a Ct with dye, and a cystoscopy which was really cool. I saw my beautifully pink, healthy bladder and even saw the left kidney duct open and squirt into the bladder. Way cool!

At first look, the radiologist didn't see anything abnormal, but I have continued to have severe abdominal pains and back pain. The pains go from feeling like menstrual cramps (I do not have my uterus anymore), to feeling like I am in labor, pacing the floor, breathing right, finding my focal spot and last but not least moaning and crying. (I didn't even cry when I gave birth to my children!) So this is really hardcore that I think of it, my tattoo didn't hurt this bad.

Yesterday I got a call from my urologist saying that he took another really long, close look at my CT and he believes that I have a 5 or 6 mm stone in my Right Kidney. Wonderful! Finally an answer. I ave another CT with dye scheduled for my birthday..Happy Birthday to me!

Being the natural girl that I am, I like to try to find natural remedies, so I went on line and found hundreds of positive posts about using lemon juice to break up the stone. Sounded like a plan. Marty went and bought me a whole lot of lemons. Here is my wonderful 12 hours. IT is a goof thing that Marty was working today..I was a wee bit fussy.

protocol started at 9 am
I can't believe I am doing this