Sunday, July 10, 2016

Give Peace A Chance

I remember like it was just yesterday. The peaceful marches we saw on our old black and white TV's. I remember thinking, when I grow up I will work to make this world better for I do not see color, I have always just seen people as that, PEOPLE, HUMAN BEINGS. I remember the sit-ins we used to have at the University of Texas, our arms interlocked as we sang songs of peace. We were young enough to believe we could make a change and eradicate racism. We were so young and naïve. Yet all my life wherever I have been planted my heart still cries out Please, Give peace A Chance.

Every act of racism that we are shown on the news breaks my heart. I am a Minister of Peace for a reason. I chose the seminary because it was based on St. Francis, who in my experience brought a huge message of PEACE. I have chosen to BE the PEACE I want to see in the world.

Is that enough? For someone of my age, who has lived through this so many times, I do believe that it is. I pray and I trust that the good will somehow shine forth in the darkness that has shrouded our country. We are all wearing one or more shrouds of anger, hate, frustration, depression and shock and deep soul aching grief.
How do we turn those shrouds into joyous dancing cloths that we can wave together making a tremendous colorful vibration of mutual spirits binding peace to covers our nation, and yes, our planet. America is not the only place that is walking through this horrendous racism and prejudice, ignorance and apathy.
We need to stop ALL of the violence. We need to wake up and see that racism and prejudice are EVERYWHERE. It has NOT changed since the 60's. People have just turned a blind eye all these years, until a moment in time when cell phones caught the incidents that will forever be embedded in our hearts. We need to stop the Hate, for hate only gives birth to more hate.

We might not have a Martin Lutheran King, Jr. to raise the awareness, we have hundreds of people who will use their phones to videotape the scenes of brutality and none of us need to be told  that the police are reviewing the tape to see if there was any reason for such use of force. We all have eyes and ears to see for ourselves what happened.

Lady Justice needs to take her blindfold off so she can see what is happening and judge righteously no matter who has murdered who. We all need to look in our own communities with eyes wide open, without blame or hatred, and begin to work toward a more peaceful union. For we are all human being, regardless of the color of our skin, the religion we choose to worship in, or the differences of our lifestyles. It's time to join hands with one another, laying down the weapons of warfare and picking up the flag of peace.