Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Floating on the River of LIfe

Today I was reminded of an experience I had when I was much younger, living in Texas, and going to the San Gabriel River a lot to float down it with our inner tubes. I was headed home from church and felt impressed to stop and watch the river flowing, so I did. Once I reached the water's edge, Spirit led me to take my shoes off and stand in the middle of the river, which was about knee high. I could feel the current pushing against my legs and it took a bit of effort to keep standing upright. It wasn't too long that I felt Spirit nudging me to lay down in the water, at which I did protest, I was in my Sunday clothes after all. Yet, I knew there was some meaning to this event, so I did sit down, and as I leaned back into the water, the swift current took ahold of me and I began to float on the surface. Down stream I went, miraculously flowing with the main current, staying away from trees and boulders in the way.

I noticed that if I tried to steer myself or if I stiffened up and tried to make my own way downstream, I would drift to where the rocks scrapped my body, or I would run into overhanging tree branches. But if I lay very relaxed and allowed the natural current to pull me along, I was unharmed.

It did not take me long to get the lesson.

My life was like that river...a journey through beautiful landscape to be enjoyed and to relax and have fun with. As long as I trusted Spirit to guide me, as long as I did not try to make my own way, I was protected, I was nurtured, and I was in that perfect place of allowing whatever to come into my life knowing that I would be all right.

That still holds true today. There are a lot of things I may not understand about what life has brought my way. But one sure thing. I have traveled down the rapids no worse for wear, and I am a more peaceful, more beautiful, more confident soul for having the faith to trust in God, to know that Spirit's guidance is always there... no matter what.

May you know that no matter what may lie ahead... you are loved, you are protected, you are peace.

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