Sunday, April 26, 2009


As many know we set our intentions and directed our prayers so that we would be able to move back home to Minnesota or Wisconsin last November. Marty interviewed with an ambulance company and was hired, we put the house on the market. At the end of December I quit my job, to go on Sabbatical. And we waited.

And waited.

And waited.
And waited.

We are still waiting.

We have become comfortable in waiting.

During these months of waiting, all manner of suggestions have come to us from all directions, on what we can do to hurry up the sale of the house, to get the energy moving, to clear out any negative things that may be holding us back. And all the suggestions have been given to us because of the love of our friends whom we cherish, and are deeply grateful to in trying to help us get back home.
Yet, we have done all, and are still waiting.
It occurred to me the other day, when I was wishing that Spring would get here and there would be no more cold weather sneaking up on us, that truly there is nothing we can do to make Spring arrive any sooner. There is no prayer, no ceremony, no ritual that will make Spring get here to stay. We have to wait patiently through cold snaps that come and go, until finally there are no more, and the days are filled with warm sunshine and we can finally say that Spring has arrived in all it's glory.
I have watched as the plants are in the same waiting room that we find ourselves in...they begin to sprout, they bloom, then the cold hits, and blossoms are frozen, leaves curl in and I imagine they do not like the waiting for Spring to finally arrive than Marty and I like waiting for our house to sell. Yet, they wait patiently, as we do, until Spring does arrive, and they can grow and grow and grow.
We as humans like to think that we can control things. We think if we pray enough, if we set our intentions and think only on those positive thoughts, that we can make things fall into place for us. And yet, as important as being positive and staying is just as important to say these simple words of truth: Thy will be done, not my will, but yours Creator.
For there is a higher knowledge that we have about perfect timing, and for us, for Marty and I, we know that whenever our house sells, whenever we get back home, it will be in God's perfect timing. We can trust because everything else in our lives has worked on this principle.
So, we wait, and while we wait, we enjoy this moment, this hour, this day that we have together, to love, to laugh, to enjoy friends, to bring healing to those around us, to give of ourselves as Christ gave of himself. Knowing we are exactly where we are supposed to be, for such a time as this.
If you are waiting for something, remember things always work out for good, in perfect timing. Enjoy where you are at, be happy with the simple pleasures of life and will pull up your heart strings and you will hear the melody of life flowing through your soul.

1 comment:

  1. A-Ho Little Bird this is so true!!!!I have to extaticly agree, this is right on the money!
